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API Pagination with Callable Pipelines

API Pagination with Callable Pipelines

Set up API pagination to move large numbers of records between systems

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About this course

Pagination is a common practice used in both UIs and APIs. Its purpose is to ensure data is sent or returned in consumable chunks. For example, if you had a need to move hundreds of thousands of records from one system to another, it is not a good practice to attempt to do it all in one call. Instead, you would break it up into chunks to support optimal performance. In this session from Empower, you will learn how to set up API pagination using the Quickbase API, Callable Pipelines, and Jinja templating.

Course ID: AI-04

About this course

Pagination is a common practice used in both UIs and APIs. Its purpose is to ensure data is sent or returned in consumable chunks. For example, if you had a need to move hundreds of thousands of records from one system to another, it is not a good practice to attempt to do it all in one call. Instead, you would break it up into chunks to support optimal performance. In this session from Empower, you will learn how to set up API pagination using the Quickbase API, Callable Pipelines, and Jinja templating.

Course ID: AI-04